Student Safeguarding

Introduction and Scope

At Disha Indian International school, we prioritize every child’s right to learn and grow in an environment free from abuse or harassment. Our commitment to child safeguarding is reflected in our policy, designed to protect children from harm, promote their well-being, and adhere to international standards. Parents acknowledge this commitment during enrollment, and our policy is easily accessible on our website. We believe in safeguarding children from all forms of abuse, ensuring fair treatment, and prioritizing their best interests. Our practices include clear roles and responsibilities, risk assessments for activities, secure documentation, and continuous improvement through case review.

Definitions and Key Concepts

Child Safeguarding involves preventing and responding to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Discriminatory, psychological, physical, and emotional abuse are key concerns. We maintain a zero-tolerance stance on bullying and harassment and define reportable concerns as any form of abuse or neglect, promptly addressed and reported.

Legal Framework and Responsibilities

Our policy adheres to child welfare conventions, with all staff legally responsible for student safety. Staff receive training in recognizing signs of abuse, reporting concerns, and cooperating with agencies. Confidentiality and data protection are paramount, with ongoing training and collaboration with external agencies.

Safeguarding Procedures and Reporting Mechanisms

Clear roles, safe recruitment, risk assessments, and secure documentation are core practices. Any suspicion or disclosure of abuse is reported immediately to the designated Safeguarding Lead (School Principal). Support and referrals are provided, and a response plan is developed, ensuring confidentiality and a student-centered approach.

Risk Assessment and Prevention Strategies

We conduct regular risk assessments and implement preventive measures in all school activities. Thorough recruitment practices, campus access control, and off-campus trip planning ensure student safety at all times.

Training of Staff

Mandatory, role-specific training is conducted bi-annually, covering indicators of abuse, reporting procedures, legal requirements, and behavioral expectations when working with students.

Safe Communications

We maintain safe communication practices, including guidelines for social media usage, to protect student privacy and safety. Breaches of these guidelines may result in disciplinary actions.

Anonymous Reporting and Whistleblowing

We encourage transparent reporting of concerns and guarantee protection against retaliation. Our whistleblowing practice covers serious malpractice, ensuring accountability and integrity within our community.

Review and Evaluation Process

Our policy undergoes regular reviews, incorporating stakeholder input, incident analysis, and monitoring of emerging trends. This ensures our commitment to providing a safe environment for all students remains unwavering.