To simplify the admission process for your child at DIIS, we offer two options: online or by requesting the admission form via email or visiting the school in person. Our staff can assist with filling out the form and scheduling a family interview. For more information, please visit our website.

To arrange transportation for your child via the school bus, please email enquiry@diisjapan.com and specify your child’s needs. The school will respond to your email as soon as possible.

Textbooks and notebooks will be distributed to students either at the time of admission or the beginning of the academic year. New uniforms must be purchased at the start of the academic year or every Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Please send an email to the appropriate teacher and they will respond as soon as possible.

As a school, we aim to cultivate personal responsibility in our students. Therefore, we discourage parents from dropping off materials for their children. However, if it is absolutely necessary, please contact the school office.

DIIS encourages all students to participate in after-school clubs or activities. Four options will be offered to students each year, based on teacher interest, and will be communicated to parents at the beginning of each quarter. Enrollment will be done through a Google form.

We do not provide after-school child care, but we do offer after-school activities on certain days. Parents are encouraged to enroll their child in these activities on those days, which will end at 4:00 p.m.

There are many reasons why parents choose to send their child to DIIS. Some of the key reasons include:

  1. Our strong academic program, which focuses on preparing students for success.
  2. Our dedicated and experienced faculty and staff, who are committed to helping each student reach their full potential.
  3. Our focus on social emotional learning (SEL), which helps students develop important skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and problem-solving.
  4. Our extracurricular activities and clubs, which provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and passions.
  5. Our welcoming and inclusive community, which values diversity and promotes a sense of belonging for all students.
  6. Our commitment to parent-school partnership, which helps ensure that parents are actively involved in their child’s education.
  7. Our safe and secure campus, which provides a nurturing environment for students to learn and grow.

We will collaborate with parents to understand the needs of the student and strive to establish a support system for them.

Parents are kindly requested to complete a family exit survey to aid in the growth and development of the school, as well as to understand the reasons behind their child’s departure. Additionally, please ensure that all financial accounts are settled before receiving the report card. Once these formalities are completed, the report card will be issued.

For a thorough understanding, we highly recommend that parents review our assessment policy, which can be found in the download section of the school website.

We believe that parent-school partnerships are an integral part of education. Parents are encouraged to share their professions, expertise, and hobbies with a classroom or grade level, and also welcome to participate in activities such as sports day, educational trips, after-school activities, being a room parent, and holding fundraising events. In DIIS, the environment is welcoming for all and opportunities for community building, connecting our families, faculty, and other community members will be available.

We understand your desire to view live classes online. At the moment, we do not offer the option for parents to observe live online classes. However, we do provide alternative means for you to stay informed about your child’s education. We suggest utilizing tools like Seesaw or Google Classroom to view classwork, assignments, and updates from the teacher. This will give you an understanding of what your child is learning and a way to communicate with the teacher about your child’s progress. Additionally, we will inform you of open days when you are welcome to come and observe the classes in person.

At DIIS, we understand that some students may struggle with organization and care for their belongings. For students who struggle with keeping track of their belongings, we suggest they place a sticky note or a special sign on their items to help them identify them. Parents are also encouraged to assist in this process by adding a unique identifier or their child’s name to their child’s belongings.

The Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program at DIIS is designed to help students develop a range of social and emotional skills that are essential for success in school and in life. The program focuses on teaching students how to manage their emotions, build positive relationships, set and achieve goals, and make responsible decisions. Through a variety of activities and lessons, students will learn how to recognize and express their feelings, develop empathy for others, and resolve conflicts effectively. They will also learn how to work cooperatively with others, communicate effectively, and make responsible decisions. By participating in the SEL program, your child will gain the skills they need to build strong, positive relationships with others and navigate the social challenges they may encounter in their daily life.

DIIS takes the issue of bullying very seriously and has a zero-tolerance policy in place to address any instances of bullying that may occur. We have a number of measures in place to prevent and address bullying, including:

  1. Education and awareness: We educate students, staff and parents about what bullying is, the impact it can have, and how to identify and report it.
  2. Reporting and investigation: We have a clear process in place for reporting and investigating bullying incidents, and all reports are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.
  3. Support and counseling: We provide support and counseling to both the student who has been bullied and the student who has engaged in bullying behavior.
  4. Consequences: We take appropriate action to hold students who engage in bullying behavior accountable for their actions, which may include disciplinary action.
  5. Monitoring: We monitor the school environment to identify and address any potential issues of bullying.
  6. We also create a positive school culture where students feel safe and respected, and students are encouraged to speak up if they or someone they know is being bullied.

We encourage parents to contact the school if they have any concerns about bullying and we will work with them to address the issue.We highly recommend that parents review our discipline policy, which can be found in the download section of the school website.

At DIIS, we have high expectations for our students when it comes to homework. We believe that homework plays a crucial role in reinforcing concepts and skills learned in class, and in developing good study habits. We expect our students to complete their homework assignments on time and to the best of their ability. Additionally, we encourage students to read a minimum of 30 minutes every day to develop reading habits. We also expect parents to provide a conducive environment for their child to complete homework, and to check in with their child to ensure that assignments are being completed. Our teachers will provide clear instructions and guidelines for homework assignments, and will be available to help students if they have any questions or difficulties. Overall, our expectation is that students take responsibility for their own learning and actively engage in the homework process.

This is for the information of the parents that C.B.S.E.(Central Board Of Secondary Education) is an affiliation body and the schools affiliated to C.B.S.E. follows N.C.E.R.T.(National Council Of Educational Research And Training) curriculum

The expansion plan for grades beyond 8 will be determined by the school based on the prevailing circumstances at that time, while considering factors such as resources and other relevant situations.