Understanding Employment

DIIS’s employees fall into several categories that include foreign-hire and local-hire full time faculty, local hire part time faculty, Local hired support staff and school leadership. Compensation packages for each of these categories are different and will be provided during the application/interview process.

Local-Hire Faculty

Local-hired faculty are those who already reside in Japan with a valid visa or documentation, and were subsequently hired by the school. Their decision for coming to Japan may be to accompany a spouse or partner who has accepted work in Japan, or any other circumstances that would cause them to be here prior to applying for a job at DIIS.


Foreign-hired Faculty

Foreign-hire teachers are those recruited from overseas by DIIS for the sole purpose of working at the School, where their visa sponsorship will be facilitated by the institution.

* Note:

While base salary is the same for local-hire and foreign-hire faculty, some benefits differ. The details that follow below are provided with a foreign-hire compensation package only.


Initial contracts for foreign-hire faculty are for two years. After a teacher’s initial 2-year period, contracts are subject to an annual renewal process.

Starting Salary

Though DIIS is a new school, we believe a competitive package irrespective of the grade level you teach is essential to create an environment of equal opportunities and mutual respect. We want to boast ourselves to be offering one of the best package(salary and benefits) against other Indian C.B.S.E schools, both in Japan and in the world. DIIS has 10 steps on its salary scale. All compensation is paid in Japanese Yen.


Flat Monthly Housing Allowance is paid irrespective of family size and marital status. A one-time Relocation Allowance of ¥150,000 is paid upon arrival. Both allowances are on a one-per-family basis.

Housing Assistance

In addition to the Housing Allowance above, the school provides assistance in locating and contracting housing near the school. To settle an Overseas employee school will pay all upfront fee for house/apartment renting and will deduct 50 percent from teachers salary as per mutually agreed upon structure. Apartments or houses are small by Indian standards, and a mix of Japanese and western-style rooms is common. The houses/apartments available for rent are unfurnished.


Initial travel is provided for a foreign-hire teacher from his/her home of record to Tokyo.In the final year of employment,DIIS provides the employee a one-way travel allowance between Tokyo and the home of record.

Medical Benefits

Japan has an excellent national healthcare system with clean and modern facilities. Shigaku Kyosai or PMAC, which stands for Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation, is Japan’s pension and medical system for the employees of private schools. DIIS employees are enrolled in Shigaku Kyosai. Both employee and employer contribute to Shigaku Kyosai based on the employee’s Base Salary. The contribution is deducted on a monthly basis as part of payroll.

By law, all residents of Japan are required to be enrolled in the National Social Insurance plan. National health insurance and the national pension plan make up the Japanese National Social Insurance system. So if you sign-up for this plan, you automatically enroll in the national pension
system. http: //www.shigakukyosai.jp/en/

Once you are enrolled in the system, the only way to disenroll from the plan is to leave the country permanently.

To draw pension benefits, you must have paid into the system for 120 months (10 years), otherwise you are eligible to receive a lump sum payment up to 5 years. Premiums are based on your income. The school will assist in estimating the premium.

Health Insurance:

For example, the insured pays 30% of a medical bill, while the insurance covers the remaining 70%. Depending on where you live your ward/county may pick up the remaining 30% for children under 15. Coverage outside of Japan is very limited.

Major benefits:

Pension Insurance coverage

  • Old age pension (kosei nenkin)
  • Disability Pension
  • Survivor’s pension
  • Lump sum pension payment of up to 5 years premiums upon leaving Japan

Other allowances / benefits

  • Marriage Allowance
  • Sickness and injury allowance
  • Maternity allowance
  • Death allowance
  • Free healthcare for children (depending on the ward in which you reside)


  • The retirement age at DIIS is 65 years old.


Faculty receive the following leave.

    • Sick Leave (10 days/year )
    • Professional Development Leave
    • Personal Leave (2 days)

Teacher Qualifications

All candidates for full-time faculty positions must have received a B.A or B.Sc. from an accredited university or college. Post Graduate degrees are preferred. Applicants must have an active teaching license B.Ed. from a state or governmental authority that covers the specific teaching assignment for which they are applying, both in subject matter or specialized role and grade level. Candidates need to have at least 2 years of full-time classroom experience. Fresh candidates are also encouraged to apply but DIIS gives priority to candidates who have training and experience with specific curriculum or programs. These priorities are detailed in the job descriptions posted for each role.


Our Faculty

DIIS doesn’t expect teachers to be perfect. Rather, we want to recruit experienced, child-centered educators who possess values and skills that align closely to our mission and guiding statement and are always eager to learn and grow as professionals.

Beyond the Classroom

Co-curricular programs are an integral part of the DIIS student experience, providing opportunities where many students find their real self. We believe great coaches have an indelible impact on young people, allowing them to develop their passions; learn resilience, responsibility, teamwork; and perform or compete with confidence. All teachers are expected to actively lead as coaches, club sponsors, or supervisors within our school’s extensive co-curricular program. Therefore, DIIS gives priority to candidates who have deep experience and training in specific co-curricular needs.
